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When is the Provincial Election?The Ontario Provincial Election is happening on June 2, 2022.
Who is Eligible to Vote?To be able to vote in an Ontario provincial election, you must demonstrate that you are: - 18 years of age (or older) - a Canadian citizen - a resident of Ontario If you are temporarily living outside of Ontario, you may be eligible to vote as an absentee voter.
When Can I Vote?When you can vote depends on how you choose to vote. If you are choosing to vote on Election Day (June 2), you can vote in person at your polling station. If you would like to vote before Election Day, you can vote at advance polls, which are open between 10:00-16:00 (Dates TBA). Learn how to do so here.
What Do I Need to do Before Election Day?You need to make sure you're on the Voter's List, and that your information is all correct. To ensure you're on the Voter's List, click the link here.
I live in Ontario, but I'm away for School... Can I still Vote?Yes, you can either vote in your Home Riding, or in the riding where you're living for school. All you need is your government-issued ID, and your Voter Information Card (which is sent to you by mail). If you don't have your Voter Information Card, you'll just need to bring one piece of ID with your name and address. Note: on-campus voting is only available to those living on-campus.
I Don't Live in Ontario...Can I Still Vote?Yes you absolutely can vote, through choosing one of two options: By Mail Through the Register of Absentee Voters Vote by Mail To learn how to vote by mail, click here. Vote by Register of Absentee Voters *Note, if you register as an absentee voter, you will receive a voting kit (with write-in ballot) once the election is officially called (on May 4th). You will need: To complete this form ID that shows your name and last residential address in Ontario (eg transcript, tuition statement, admission letter, etc) Proof of your attendance in post-secondary (eg Enrolment letter, photocopy of student ID, photocopy of tuition invoice or transcript)
How do Elections in Ontario Work?For political purposes, Ontario is geographically split up into areas called 'Ridings'. In each provincial election, members from separate political parties compete to represent an individual Riding in provincial parliament (ie Queen's Park). This means that when you vote, you will be selecting who you want to represent your riding in Parliament and the person with the most votes will become your riding's Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP). The leader of the political party that wins the most ridings will be elected as Ontario Premier.
When Can I Vote?While all eligible voters are able to vote on Election Day (June 2nd), you can also vote through other means. Advance polls are available prior to June 2nd (for a 10 day period), and are open from 10am to 8pm. You can also Vote by Mail. Click here to learn how to vote by mail.
Where is My Riding?Click here to find out where your Riding is located.
Where Can I Find the Ontario Party Platforms?Click here to access our detailed breakdown of each Party Platform.
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